/ Band & Orchestra / Finger Positioners /
Bo Pep
Bo Pep Finger Positioners
Because the flute must be learned without the aid of
the eyes, beginners find it difficult to find the correct hand
positions by feel. It takes many weeks for the new student to locate
the proper keys. The Finger Saddle and Thumb Guide provide easy-to-feel
contact points so that hand positions may be taught in one lesson.
These are not only aids for beginning students. Many
professionals tape, glue and solder a variety of materials to their
flutes at these contact points to help relieve tension. The Finger
Rest, Finger Saddle, and Thumb Guide require no adhesives and are fully
adjustable while on the flute.
BOP-FS Flute finger saddle• med/small
BOP-FR Flute finger rest • large
Flute thumb guide• all hands