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Products / Percussion / Parts & Repair / Cannon / Tom Holders


Cannon Tom Holders


CANNON® Tom Holder Features heavy chrome-plating, memory clamps.

UP-UPTH complete*

UP-UPTHA arm only

UP-UPTHB base casting only

UP-UPTHC tom plate

*complete with arms & brackets

CANNON® Double Tom Holder

This tom tom holder has it all. An omni-ball

adjustment to position your toms just where

you want, and a slide rail to move your toms

forwards or backwards. It's heavy-duty and

beautifully chrome plated.



HOWITZER™ Tom Tom Holder

UP-UPTH800 complete*

UP-UPTH800C mt. plate

UP-UPTH80 BD casting

UP-UPTH800P center post

*complete with arms & brackets

CANNON® Yamaha-Style Tom Holder

Features hex rods mounted into non-slip

omni-ball that positions drum at any angle.

UP-TH7PN complete*

UP-TH7PA arm only

UP-TH7PB base casting only

UP-TH7PP center post

UP-TH7PT tom plate w/screws

*complete with arms & brackets

CANNON® Deluxe Tom Holder

Extra heavy tom holder with tom plates,

casting, arms, and screws.

UP-UP8112A complete*

UP-UP8112B base casting only

UP-UP8112C mounting plt only

UP-UP8112D arm only

*complete with arms & brackets

CANNON® Single Tom Holder

Easily attaching to any cymbal stand, this

single tom holder also features the omni -

ball positioning mechanism. The knurled

arm, combined with the heavy-duty wing

nuts, keeps your drums securely in place.



CANNON® Double Tom Holder

Heavy duty tom holder with tom plate,

screws, and memory clamps.

UP-UPDTM complete*

UP-UPDTMA arm only

UP-UP8112B base casting only

UP-UPDTMT tom plate

*complete with arms & brackets