/ Recorders
& Whistles / Recorders / Trophy
Trophy Recorders
T-400 Trophy Flutophone - White
T-401 Trophy
Flutophone - Black
T-575 Trophy
Cambridge Recorder- Dark Brown
T-577 Trophy
Cambridge Recorder- Ivory
T-657 Trophy
Cambridge Recorder- Dark Brown, German Fingering
T-TD170 Sopranino, Key of F. 3-piece instrument. Brown
and White
T-TD175 Soprano, Key of C. 1-piece instrument. All
T-TD175W Soprano, Key of C. 1-piece instrument. Ivory
T-TD176W Soprano, Same as T-TD175W only German fingering.
T-TD185 Soprano,
Key of C. 2-piece instrument. Brown and white.
T-TD186 Soprano, Same as T-td185 only German
T-TD195 Key
of C. 3-piece instrument. Brown and white.
T-TD200 Soprano, Key of C, 2-piece instrument. Brown
and ivory. Attached thumbrest
T-TD201 Soprano, Same as TD200 only German fingering.
T-TD205 Key of C. Renaissance model. Classic style
2-piece, Ivory color.
T-TD205B Key of C. Same as TD205 only in dark brown.
T-TD206 Same as TD205 only German fingering.
T-TD275 Alto, Key of F. 3-piece instrument. Brown and
T-TD375 Tenor,
Key of C. Single key on bell section. Brown and white.
T-TD775 Bass, Key of F.
Double key on bell section and two single keys on the body section.